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Stop the Ever-Expanding Job Description from Hurting Your Company

Job descriptions are lengthier than ever, and today it’s not uncommon for an employer to list 10 or more bullet points in the requirements section of a job posting. Although most small businesses would love to get the most out of a single employee, pushing them to the max will hurt both your team and your company in the long run.
Here are some of the main reasons why the ever-expanding job description is hurting your company and your candidates.
How lengthy job listings sabotage the hiring process
First, lengthy job descriptions might make qualified candidates drop out of your hiring pool. Applicants might assume they’ll be stretched too thin and will prefer to apply for positions where their expertise is aligned with a more confined role within a company.
Potential applicants also might second guess their ability to succeed in a position if they’re missing one or more of the job functions in the requirements section of the posting. If they are a strong fit for a majority of the role’s requirements but fall short in some of the other “essential” functions, a great candidate might opt out of applying altogether.
Many people won’t apply for a job unless they meet 100% of the qualifications. That…